Advent: Behold Jesus - Behold Jesus. Behold Love.
Notes Outline
The Method (Matthew 1:18-19)
The Message (Matthew 1:20-21)
The Meaning (Matthew 1:22-23)
The Model (Matthew 1:24-25)
(Matthew 1:18-19) God works in the midst of brokenness to rescue humanity and to bring glory to His name. If you put yourself in Joseph’s shoes how would you feel? How would you choose to handle the situation he found himself in? Why do you think God chose to bring salvation in this way?
(Matthew 1:20-21) In this passage, an angel visits Joseph and speaks very directly. What message does the angel communicate? Is there anything that the angel does not speak to that you think Joseph may have wanted to know?
(Matthew 1:22-23) Read Isaiah 7:1-14, Matthew specifically links Jesus' birth with the prophecy in Isaiah 7. Why is this significant? What is the purpose of this?
(Matthew 1:22-23) Immanuel means “God with us.” How does knowing that God has been with us, that He is currently with us, and that He will forever be with us impact your life? How can it impact your capacity to love?
(Matthew 1:24-25) Matthew ends this scene by communicating Joseph’s faithfulness. In what areas of your life today do you need encouragement to be faithful? What act of faithful obedience is He calling you to?
Matthew 2:1-12