Easter Sunday: Only Jesus - Big Problem, Bigger Plan

Apr 17, 2022Dave TookerEaster Sunday 2022Romans 6:23

Notes Outline

Only Jesus - Big Problem, Bigger Plan


  • Philosophers (Socrates)

  • Poets (Shakespeare)

  • Professionals (Forbes)

  • Physicians (Faucci)

  • Prince of Peace


  1. What stuck out to you from today’s Easter Celebration?

  2. Everyone does something with the reality of death. We deny, defy, distract or try to dodge it. What has your journey with the topic of death looked like? What comes into your mind when you think about death?

  3. The enemy's original lie in Genesis 3:4 was, “You surely shall not die.” How have you seen this lie play out in your own life?

  4. How has the Gospel given you hope when facing the harsh reality of death? (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, John 11:26)


Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Easter Sunday 2022

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