Luke: Focus on Jesus - God is Faithful

Feb 09, 2025Dave TookerLuke: Focus on JesusLuke 1:26-38

Notes Outline


  • His Plan (1:26-33)
  • His Power (1:34-38)
  • His Presence (1:28)


  1. What stood out to you most from this week's scripture and sermon? Why?
  2. Mary didn’t fully understand God’s plan but surrendered to it. Have you ever sensed God was leading you into something unknown? How did you respond?
  3. How do you respond when God’s plan for your life looks different than your plan?
  4. Gabriel told Mary, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” When have you experienced God show up in a situation that seemed impossible? How did this shape your faith?
  5. Mary wasn’t alone—God was with her. When have you sensed God’s presence most clearly in your life? When was a time you struggled to sense God’s presence? Looking back, do you see ways that He was still at work during that time when He felt far away?


Luke 1:26-38


Luke 1:39-56
