Luke: Focus on Jesus - God is Faithful
Feb 09, 2025Dave TookerLuke: Focus on JesusLuke 1:26-38
Notes Outline
- His Plan (1:26-33)
- His Power (1:34-38)
- His Presence (1:28)
- What stood out to you most from this week's scripture and sermon? Why?
- Mary didn’t fully understand God’s plan but surrendered to it. Have you ever sensed God was leading you into something unknown? How did you respond?
- How do you respond when God’s plan for your life looks different than your plan?
- Gabriel told Mary, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” When have you experienced God show up in a situation that seemed impossible? How did this shape your faith?
- Mary wasn’t alone—God was with her. When have you sensed God’s presence most clearly in your life? When was a time you struggled to sense God’s presence? Looking back, do you see ways that He was still at work during that time when He felt far away?