Luke: Focus on Jesus - Some Shepherds

Mar 02, 2025Dave TookerLuke: Focus on JesusLuke 2:1-20

Notes Outline


  • Macro 2:1-3
  • Mess 2:4-7
  • Micro 2:8-15
  • Mission 2:16-20


  1. (Luke 2:1-3) God is in control of who is in control. Have you ever felt angry by decisions made by leaders or those in authority? How does this passage gently remind us that God is in control?
  2. (Luke 2:4-7) God is in control when everything seems out of control. Joseph and Mary faced inconvenience, discomfort, uncertainty, and difficulty leading up to Jesus’ birth. When have you experienced a time when nothing went as planned and God used it for good?
  3. (Luke 2:8-15) God is in control during the mundane. The shepherds were too common to even be named. They were carrying out their normal mundane tasks when God broke in and changed everything. How does the knowledge that God is at work even in the mundane help change your perspective on your daily responsibilities?
  4. (Luke 2:16-20) God is in control of the mission. This wasn't exactly a viral message. The shepherds shared with Mary and then went back to the sheep. How does knowing that God is in control of the message and mission of the Gospel set us free to abide and advance the Gospel in freedom instead of fear? In what ways can you trust and rest in Him today as He works through you?


Luke 2:1-20


Luke 2:21-38
